can rabbit eat grapes

Can Rabbit Eat Grapes | Pets Health

Even though Rabbits are purely herbivorous animals, can they eat grapes, and if so, how much and in what manner? These are a few frequent queries flowing on the Internet. Perhaps, to end your and most others’ strive, the answer is conditional; Yes, but if consumed in a Moderate pattern.

Rabbits have delicate Digestion Systems; therefore, Feeding Precautions are necessary. Aside from your bunny’s likes and dislikes, you must have commendable nutrition expertise; otherwise, you may thrive at a health risk to your cute pet.

Rabbits & Grapes

Grapes are naturally sweetening and nutrient-rich fruit. They are available in different variations, while their consumption methods may also vary. From eating Fresh or Frozen or using it in Smoothies and extracting it to make Wine, Grapes can indulge in various ways.

As far as the Natural potential of Grapes is concerned, they endure an array of Minerals, Sugar, Fiber, and Vitamins. Moreover, certain grape species also include a commendable volume of potassium, manganese, and iron.

Nutrients per Serving of Grapes Volume
Calories 62 grams
Fiber 0.8 grams
Protein 0.6 grams
Carbs 16 grams
Sugar 15 grams


I’ve made a nutrition table to answer one of the most critical issues that keep crossing your mind. Indeed, you might question why, if grapes are so nutritious and healthy, you don’t give rabbits grapes more frequently.

The answer to it is straightforward. Rabbits possess a sensitive gut flora system, and grapes contain high values of few nutrients; so, exceeding the feeding limits could be subject to obesity and digestive issues.

On top of all, the 80% diet of a Rabbit should comprise Hay, Pellets, Leafy Greens, and Veggies, while fruits and nuts are occasionally diets. Notably, you can enhance the taste of regular meals by adding a touch of sugary fruit.

Feeding Grapes Skin to Rabbits

Even though the grape skin is OK to eat as it tastes good, you should remove it before giving it to your rabbit because it can contain pesticides. For further reference, you can also serve a few drops of Grape Wine as a periodical treat.

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Feeding Grapes Seeds to Rabbits

Although grape seeds pose a risk of choking, you can still feed them to rabbits because they are tasty and nutritious. Once again, Moderation and Supervision are the two most prominent factors when going with Seeds.

Feeding Raisins to Rabbits

It is recommended to eat raisins, but only in minor amounts—two raisins a week are ideal. According to a study, Raisins contain high sugar levels, and their frequent use could cause severe health issues in Rabbits, such as Kidney and Stomach Problems.

Are Grapes Good for Rabbits

If you’re far-fetching that Grapes are a healthy diet for Rabbits, you are right but to some extent. Indeed, Grapes are a delightful addition to Bunny’s Meal if served moderately and rarely; otherwise, they might stake health.

Health Benefits of Grapes for Rabbits

With that being said, Grapes carry an array of Healthful supplements, many of which are undoubtedly beneficial to Rabbits’ overall health. Whatsoever, here are some top health benefits of adding grapes to your Bunny Diet as Weekly Treats.

Helps in Constipation Treatment

If your Rabbit has a disturbed stomach, feed with a peeled grape as it helps digestion recover to its original form. For your information, due to a low-fiber diet and poor hydration, Rabbits are often exposed to a disorder of GI stasis. And while Grapes contain a good amount of Fiber and Water, they are really beneficial in this disease.

Carries Antioxidants

Antioxidants are abundant in grapes, especially the red varieties. For better clarification, an antioxidant is a substance that reduces inflammation and maintains a healthy immune system. Additionally, it is in charge of protecting Rabbits from developing cancer.

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Best for the Eyes

Rabbits’ close-up vision is poor, but their distance vision is excellent. Perhaps grapes are a terrific fruit to help your bunny’s eye health a little bit, as they include the antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, which are ideal for nourishing the eyes.

Best for the Heart

According to a Vet Study, Animals fed Grapes have better Heart Functioning because this fruit wraps polyphenols, a substance with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; thus, the entire composition ensures minimal cardiovascular disease.

Health Risks of Grapes for Rabbits

Remember the Fruits Caution mentioned above. Rabbits are true herbivores, so frequent fruit feedings could harm their health. Here is a list of potential illnesses that your rabbit may contract if it is fed grapes regularly.

High Risks of Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common diseases in pet Rabbits. Indeed, it happens when owners ignore nutrition warnings and continue to give their rabbits unhealthy goodies. But be sure to maintain a healthy diet if you intend to keep rabbits for a long period.

Developing Risks of Diabetes

For your information, one cup of grapes contains 15 grams of Sugar, which is obviously too much for a rabbit. Even though diabetes is a rarely-found disease in rabbits, planning for it now is far preferable to regretting it later.

Chances of Gut Stasis

Gut Stasis is a disorder that occurs due to a high-carb, high-sugar, and low-fiber diet in rabbits. As mentioned above, Grapes are sugary fruits; therefore, excessive consumption could develop this disease alongside enhanced chances of gastrointestinal problems.

Increased Risks of Diarrhea & Digestive Issues

Apart from high sugar levels, Grapes also pack a considerable amount of water, which means the excess of this fruit could lead to Diarrhea. Moreover, Gas and bloating are other potential threats primarily caused by the dense use of grapes.

Bad for the teeth

Lastly, the higher level of Sugar in Grapes could cause tooth rot in Rabbits. With that being said, Hay is the only diet that keeps the bunny’s teeth in good health: So you can feed them unlimited Hay alongside other veggies.

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Feeding Guide of Grapes to Rabbits

Before feeding your rabbit, there are two calculations to consider; either serve them according to their age or utilize the “Golden Thumb Rule,” which states that grapes should make up around 2-3% percent of your pet’s diet.

  • Start by purchasing fresh grapes from the market (Usually Organically grown are preferable)
  • Wash them to clean dirty or pesticides on the skin
  • Next, pick two to three grapes that look good
  • Peel the skins off and remove the seeds as well
  • Put in the Rabbit enclosure and hang around until they finish it

Wrapping Up

Grapes are a great snack for bunnies because they taste great and contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients. However, you must use moderation when giving grapes to bunnies because too much could seriously harm a rabbit’s health. Besides, you can Bookmark our website to receive Live Notifications on upcoming Pet’s Health Blogs.



Q: Can I Feed my Rabbit with Commercial Grapes?

A: Commercial grapes contain dangerous chemicals and a higher-than-average quantity of residual pesticides, making them more difficult for rabbits to digest. Therefore, consuming them could Compromise the safe health side of your bunny.

Q: Can Baby Rabbits Eat Grapes?

A: No, you cannot provide grapes to baby rabbits for at least a year. For your information, the acute diet of rabbits consists of hay, pellets, and vegetables. Therefore, it is crucial to get their digestive systems used to them before feeding them various fruits.

Q: What are the Best Fruits for Rabbits?

A: Rabbits will eat any fruit that tastes delicious. Therefore, it is your responsibility to select and provide the finest fruits. Perhaps, Apples, Apricots, Blackberries, Blueberries, Pineapples, Plums., Raspberries, and Strawberries are the best options.

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